Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scheduling Time!

The time is ever so quickly creeping up on us.  Dr. appointment yesterday was fabulous, starting with all good reports for bp, protein, baby heartbeat, and all the other usual checks.  As the doctor entered the room is so nice to see a smile on her face and hear, "So, are you ready to make some plans."  Without hesitation we answered, "Oh Yeah!"  So a little bit of a breakdown of the schedule is that we go back in two weeks for another growth check ultrasound and ob appointment.  Then in another two weeks comes the biggie.  We will meet with dr. after her regular appointments are over on the 23rd for the amniocentesis to check the lung development.  After that is complete, Michele and Gabe will be monitored for 2 hours as we wait for the results and to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens.  If everything comes back as expected, we will leave for the evening and wait for the following day.  The plans are for an early morning appointment on the 24th at the hospital for DELIVERY.  That wasn't a typo, we are officially 4 weeks away from meeting our little boy!
So with that in mind we need to start packing bags for Michele, Gabe, and I.  We also need to have the car seat installed and checked.  Very surreal moments happening at the Varney household.

Continued prayers!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Showers, Dr. Appointment, and BabyProofing

Wow, what a busy and crazy couple of weeks we have had.  So much to share, but just not enough time lately for posting more frequently (I guess that's why it's midnight and I am finally blogging).  I'll start with the most recent and work myself backwards on the last few events.

Dr. Appointment
I couldn't help but start with this first, because after all this is what our minds are on the most.  Everything else wouldn't mean anything if we didn't get a good report.  We went this past Monday to our 31 week check-up...YES I DID SAY 31 WEEKS!!!  I can't believe we have already reached this point.  Time is really flying by now.  We started off the day with the ultrasound for a growth check and he is growing very good.  Gabe is weighing in at whopping 4lb. 7oz.  He is in the 67 percentile and measuring roughly a week ahead of schedule.  They were able to also check the amniotic fluid, kidney functions, heart rate, blood flow....everything checking out great.  
After a bit of a wait we went to the ob appointment and continued with great results.  Dr. said that we would continue our every two week visits since everything continues to look so good and hopefully get another ultrasound around 35 weeks.  The plan is still to hold off until 37 weeks and do an amniocentesis and deliver the following day if lung function is mature enough.  There's nothing better to hear than the dr. saying, "I know it's pretty boring, but I don't have much to say.  Keep up whatever you are doing."  We plan to do exactly that:  let Michele rest as much as possible, keep a cautious eye on any change, and PRAY!!!

The cursor is pointing at the hair on his head!!
I tried to label the parts that they showed us during the ultrasound to help identify and show off our little boy.

 Shower Time
We have definitely been showered with gifts, love, support, and prayer.  We started off with a shower for family and friends on April 2nd.  With the help of so many we turned a school cafeteria into a wonderful gathering hall.  The event was definitely blessed with great food, fellowship, and lots of things for Gabe.  Words can't express the gratitude we have for all those that attended, sent gifts, and continue being the prayer warriors for Gabe, Michele, and I.

Here is a glance at the day.
Michele and Ronn
Registry table that had big brother Gunner ribbon

Diaper Cake
Gabe's Clothes 
Cake by Grandmom

Our Pastor's wife gave a wonderful devotion that will be engraved in our hearts forever.  Only God could have gave her such wonderful words of love, advice, and encouragement.

 Only a few days later we were again given a shower by coworkers at school.  We are blessed to be surrounded with such support to work with.  They have become not only coworkers, but wonderful friends.  As we usually do...we again had great food!  After the shower we decided that Gabe was definitely going to be one sharp dressed little boy.

Here's a small glance at this day
30 wks 4 days
Enjoy a few baby products
Beautiful Day!

So with spring break the next couple of days, hopefully we can get more of the nursery ready and we can get pics up!  Exciting time in the Varney house.

Praying for health, guidance, and strength

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Busy Times

It's been a while since the last post, and that just means we have been REALLY BUSY.

Everything is going great with Michele and Gabe right now, we couldn't have asked for a better report on Monday.  We finally asked the dr. a goal for the delivery date....and she responded with "as long as everything was on track she hoped to get to 37 weeks."  This will will put us sometime during the week of May 23rd (which is our last week of school).  They will be doing an amniocentesis sometime before to check lung development and go from there.  The weeks are really starting to go quickly now.  In case you've lost count, we will hit the 30 week mark on Monday.  At 31 weeks we will be traveling back for our next appointment and a growth check ultrasound.  Here's hoping for a BIG BABY.  I'm really excited to see how much he's grown in the past month, because I know Michele has grown a lot, hahaha.
Michele 29 weeks 4 days
This week we made another step in the right direction, we brought the nursery furniture home.  For any future purchasers of furniture, here's a word of advice "Have them bring ALL boxes out before loading them".  WOW!  Big mistake on my part.  As they brought out each piece I loaded it into the truck hurriedly and strapped it down.  The part I didn't think about until I started driving was the biggest piece was in the back and catching all the wind causing it to move around.  I just knew I was going to be on the interstate picking up pieces of a broken crib.  So, I drove ever so slowly to a backroad and pulled off.  I unloaded ALL pieces and put them back appropriately.  Needless to say I have felt the effects for several days.

After patiently waiting one whole brother in-law and I put the nursery furniture together (THANKS LEE) and it looks great!!  It actually looks better in his room than it did in the store.  We will try to post pictures shortly, hopefully with some decor added to the room.  It's still hard to believe we are getting the room ready and bringing our baby HOME.

BIG WEEKEND plans.  Saturday is the baby shower.  So much to do!  Loving every minute of all the hard work that is going into all of this.  We will also be having a shower given by some wonderful coworkers next week.  So sometime in between decorating, going to the shower, and watching the CATS in the final four...we have to make room for baby stuff.  Our house is definitely getting a makeover.

So Thankful for what the Lord has done for us and looking forward to all the wonderful things that are in our future.

Continued Prayers

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Uncharted Territory

What a wonderful feeling it is to be at this point.  Yesterday was yet another dr. appointment and ultrasound.  We've reached 27 weeks!  One more week and we are in a much more "safe zone" as the dr. has put it.  We aren't even thinking, "Just one more week"....we are planning for much longer.  We had an outstanding report from the dr.  BP was very good, protein was negative, and measuring slightly ahead of schedule.  The contractions haven't happened since mid-week and they look to be under control with no meds needed.
We got to see our little boy again and he has grown so much in 7 weeks.  He isn't showing any signs of restricted growth, again that would be a sign of pre-e starting.  Praise God he is up to 2lbs8oz.  He is over double of Gunner's birth weight of 1lb3oz.  I know Gabe's big brother is rooting him on and doesn't want him to stop now.  KEEP GROWING, GET STRONGER, and STAY LOTS LONGER in there.
The doctors were so pleased and the ob mentioned that she would chalk it up to a success story of baby aspirin....but we know that there is more to it than that.  The Lord is carrying us through and our prayers are being answered each day that he stays put and Michele stays healthy!
Lots to do: nursery to get ready, baby showers, and baby proofing the house.  A lot of work, but loving every minute of it.  Excitement is at an all-time high!

Continued prayers for strength, health, and guidance!

Gabriel 27 week ultrasound

Monday, March 7, 2011

Update: 26 weeks

Today marks yet another milestone, 26 weeks.  26 weeks was something that the doctors had hoped to hold Michele off to with Gunner.  We weren't just hoping to reach this goal, but we expect to far surpass it.

We made our trip to UK to get a little update from the dr.   She came in smiling saying, "I hear that you had a little fun last week."   I wouldn't call it fun, but it was definitely some excitement.  She wasn't overly concerned with the contractions, but was glad that we went in when we did due to past history.  The usual bp and urine checks were good today.  She also took Michele off the meds for the contractions and wants us to return in a week to see how she does without the meds.  She also scheduled us for a growth check ultrasound for the next time.  This was a little bit of a surprise since we weren't supposed to have it to 30 weeks.  This will just get us a chance to sneak a peak at our little guy, which definitely is a good thing.  We're so curious as to how big he is and how he has changed in the last couple of months.  The doctor also performed another procedure that I'm not sure what the name was, but it was to help detect the chance that pre-term labor would occur in the next two weeks.  No phone call afterwards=good news!!

After the appointment we ventured our way to 4 different stores in search of the nursery furniture.  The clock is ticking that we need to get started putting the nursery together so we aren't so rushed for time.  We found plenty that we like, but the SO EXPENSIVE.  We have put ourself on a deadline of next week for a final decision.
Michele searching for the perfect crib

It's been a long day!  Well Worth It.

Thanks to all for the many prayers.  Please continue to pray for strength, guidance, and health!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Gabe: Excitement already starting

With the anxiety of the time period of the pregnancy we have all been a little on edge this past week looking for signs that pre-e maybe popping up.  Michele had complained of some discomfort in her side around her rib area.  The discomfort would move from side to side and not really settle down all week.  We couldn't remember exactly how she felt when she first starting getting sick last time, so she was worried.  Thursday after school she told me that the pain was more localized to her right side, and to ease her mind we decided to call UK.  Within 15 minutes the nurse called back and Michele informed her of the symptoms, and with checking with the dr. and her history thought it was best to go to the local hospital to get some blood work or come down to Lexington.  GEESSHHH.....everything couldn't be happening all over again could it????
So we call our ever so trusty aunt Brenda who works on the women's health floor and she assured us she would be waiting and have everyone ready to help check Michele out.  We walk in to the same place that we faced that dreadful night that she was so sick, bringing back all sorts of memories.  To further add to it I even had on the same shirt that I did the night she got sick, lol.  We walk in and see the same doctor and some of the same nurses...all remembering Michele from the last time.
She is immediately hooked on the fetal monitor, blood pressure cuff, and blood taken.  After just a few moments the reading are printing out and in walks the dr. and nurse.  "Well we're going to have to get those stopped, you're having contractions", the dr. said.  I think I about fell out of the floor and the look on Michele's face was so heartbreaking.  We couldn't believe it!  So with that in mind they gave her a med called brethine to stop the contractions.  The meds really worked fast to stop the contractions with the side effects of pulse increasing and made her a little jittery.
After that was under control blood work and urinalysis came back very good.  No signs of pre-e or HELLP starting.....what a relief that was to hear.  If she was going to have some problems this was a much better alternative to have because they can give meds to control this where as they can't do anything to stop the other.
After about a 3 hour hospital stay we were sent home with meds to take to help control any future contractions forming.  So far, so good.  We go on Monday to her regular OB appointment and will hopefully know more of a long term plan.  So today we focused on REST!!!  We can handle this!  We know that lots of prayers are going up for us and we know that we will be taken care of.  We can face anything with God in control!

Michele and Gabe being monitored
Gabe isn't even here yet and he's already keeping us on our toes!  We are looking so forward to meeting him....but he needs to wait a little while longer.

Continued prayers for health, patience, and peace of mind!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


We've now reached a milestone that we had often thought of...25 weeks.  25 weeks was the point that Michele had to deliver Gunner.  With so little known about HELLP syndrome, the doctors weren't sure if it would show it's ugly head earlier, same point, later, or not at all.  With putting our faith in the Lord we have made it this far with about as much anxiety as expected, but have a sense of peace that surrounds us.  Whatever we face in the upcoming weeks/months ahead we can handle it.  When looking at Gunner's pictures it's really hard to believe that a baby that size, probably bigger is inside Michele.  We have 3 more weeks to go to we reach the doctor's "safe zone".  She's advised us that at 28 weeks she would feel much more comfortable delivering if necessary, but we aren't looking to much in to that...we're going further.  We going into each day with hope and confidence that we will bring this little boy home.  As far as Michele's health is concerned we do our unofficial checks at home daily:  bp check, swelling check, overall feeling.  Those checks help guide us and get us through while we wait for the next 2 weeks to pass by for the official check.
I hadn't had a chance to post since the last dr. visit so here's a little run down.  Her blood pressure was very good, no protein, heartbeat was strong, and her gestational diabetes check was normal.  Also, the most important thing was the doctor said that she looked very good and that she just had "a good feelin'" about everything.  I know that's not very scientific, but it was nice to hear.
Another first that we had while we were gone to Lexington was we actually looked at baby stuff.  Last time we picked a crib out, but never really looked at much else other than online.  It was nice to actually go another step forward with anticipation of getting our house baby ready!  The only problem that we are having is we aren't picky enough when trying to decide on things.  All of it sounds nice and we would be happy with anything.  As Michele said when looking at cribs, "it doesn't really matter, I just want a baby in it."  Nevertheless we were able to begin picking out things and have set a date and place for the baby shower.  We are going to have the shower April 2 at school.  Also, some lovely co-workers are going to have a shower from the faculty for us a little later.  We are constantly reminded of the love and prayers that surround us.  I thank the Lord that he surrounds us with such caring family and friends.
One more note:
We have decided on the name Gabriel, calling him Gabe.  Not really sure about a middle name yet, but it'll come in time.
I'll try to give updates a little more frequently, but as I have told some "no news is good news".  As we face another week ahead I am looking forward to the great things in store for us.

Continued prayers for health, strength and guidance!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Michele 23 weeks

A Little More Real

Hitting the 24 week mark this week is making everything become more real.  At times it's hard to grasp that our little boy will be here before too long.  After much debating on when to wait to do certain things, we've let our guard down a little and began to think preparation for bringing him home.  We have looked at nursery furniture, started to try to plan a shower, and other little things that take time planning.

Monday comes time for another trip to doctor.  This visit is for a regular ob appointment that they will do the usual checks:  protein, bp, heartbeat, etc.  It's also time for another screening for gestational diabetes.  Michele continues to do feel very well and is starting to feel the occasional stronger kicks.  We are coming upon the 25 week with some anxiousness that it will be surpassed.  There's not too much to say right now....praying that peace, strength, and healthiness will continue to be granted to us.

I'll try to post some pics shortly!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Positive Thinking

One thing that I don't like is to hear or read about people speaking on ALL the negativity in their life.  Sure we may face difficult times and circumstances...that's part of life that we have here.  Would we actually look forward to Heaven if our time on Earth actually was as good as it gets?  I don't think so.  We aren't meant to bring others down about how depressing our lives are...we need to lift each other up and focus on the positives.  As I heard Joel Osteen's message on declaring what the Lord has done for you, it couldn't have been a more uplifting sermon for me.   So as I may look at the bad things in life such as the precious people in my life passing i.e. my grandfathers, dad, and Gunner....I use those things to thank the Lord for all the things that have happened in my life that has made me the man I am today.  God doesn't make mistakes, all things are for the glory of Him.  Looking outside the box takes a little faith.  Don't focus everything on the small dot (we are the small dot in a huge universe) Thanks Danl.
We do deserve goodness because God say's we are worth it.  We were given the ultimate sacrafice because we are worth it.  It's not being proud or boastful, it's simply understanding the word of God and trying to put it into action.
"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us.  None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell your deeds, they would be too many to declare"
 Psalm 40:5
So when I start to ask myself "Why us?"  I am going to try and remind myself "Why not us?"  I'm thankful that God gave Michele and I the privilege of having Gunner for 13 days and being called his parents.  I don't know about too much, but I do know God's plan is so much better than we can even understand, we just have to follow, trust, and have faith.

Declare the goodness of our Lord today.....I am!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Valentine's day is right upon us and people celebrate in their own special way.  V-day isn't something that we do anything particularly for, it's more of a reminder of what we do ALL YEAR long.  Showing our love to each other isn't something that we need reminded of on one day a year, it's something that we do everyday.  Reminders of our love are something that I think that has strengthened our relationship to what it is and what it continues to grow into.  I believe Jesus gives us daily reminders of his love for us....although it might not be the big extravagant gift each day that we might think of, it's the small things that matters....constant reminders of his love.  Some of our constant reminders to each other are our conversations to work, eating dinner together, or simply doing a small gesture to show each other that we care....those are our valentine moments and we experience them everyday.

Right now also comes a time that we once dreaded terribly.  Milestones of first birthdays for so many of our loved ones.  So many people were expecting around the same time as Gunner was born, and we just knew it would be more reminders of that he wasn't here to celebrate with us like we once anticipated.  We often talked about how we didn't know how we were going to be able to face these milestones.  "SLAP" How many times have we questioned "How are we going to do it?" or "How will get through all this?".  A big slap right in my face is what I felt.....then arms wrapped around me and I heard a small voice speaking to me saying, "My child, I told you that you will never walk alone.  For I am with you from darkest times to the brightest times.  You will always have Me as rock to lean on when you are weary and I will carry you through the storms."  Just another reminder.  So.....we did what we continue to do, we knew God was in control and simply followed His path.  We have been led through a journey that most couldn't begin to imagine and we know without Him we couldn't have made it.  With this in mind we are grateful for friends and families that are celebrating the birthdays of their little ones, as I am grateful that we were chosen to be parents of a precious little boy...our warrior, Gunner. I am also grateful to be chosen parents of another little boy that we can't wait to meet and see what God's plan is for him.

As another reminder I have a final thought of the poem, Footprints in the Sand by Mary Stevenson
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across 
the sky.In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
there were two sets of footprints,
ther times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that dur
inthe low periods of my life,
when I was suffer
ing from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of 
So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that dur
inthe most trying periods of my lifethere have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been 
there for me?”
The Lord replied,
The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”
So today, do a reminder for someone just to show them that you care and love them.  Also, look for the little reminders that you are loved by others.  Be reminded of God's love.
Continued prayers!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Off to a GREAT start this week

Sunday began the start of a great week.  After missing a week of church, we both were in great need to go and hear His word and Praise Him.  We actually began something that we had been discussing for sometime....but never found ourselves there, we attended Sunday School.  Wow! What a blessing that was to go and dig deeper into the teaching and love of Jesus Christ.  It wasn't scripture that was new to us, but it was a reminder of things we tend to forget or not think often of.  The lesson was on The Good Shepherd, and it was a lesson that can grab hold of you and give you chills.  I often feel like the lost sheep and The Good Shepherd will go and lead me back into his flock. It's such a security in KNOWING that He loves us that much, that he can call us by name and show us greener pasture.  Serving the Lord is something that I look forward to showing and sharing with our son.  No gift is greater that we can we give him than that of raising him in a Christian home.
Sunday didn't end worship time for us, nor should it for anyone.  Roundtrip from Pikeville to Lexington, our radio couldn't seem to turn off the dial of The Message radio station.  For those not familiar, you can find it on Sirius/XM radio, that features awesome contemporary Christian music.  Some of the messages that come from the music are incredible.  Driving on the mountain parkway I almost found myself having a revival inside.  Just so amazing some of the songs were written for me or about my life.
Dr. Visit
Hadn't been too long since the last appointment, and thank God everything looked relatively the same.  BP=good, no protein, strong baby heartbeat were once again an assurance that things are on the right track.  No change to Michele's routine is necessary and we will once again make our trip in two weeks for another checkup.  After some lunch and a long wait due to short on staff today, we got to have another ultrasound. This time they were checking the cord blood flow, uterine artery flow, and aortic arch.  The scans all came back normal in that the blood flow was strong and consistent; this was an important scan as it can detect any early abnormalities that pre-e/HELLP may be starting.  With pre-e the flow is restricted and the growth of the baby is hindered.  With u/s we were also able to get a quick profile glance of our baby boy once again...always exciting!!
No u/s are scheduled at this time, just wait and see.  Dr. appointment is scheduled for two more weeks and that will make Michele 24 weeks gestation.  As the nerves try to settle in at the 25 week mark (Gunner's arrival), we are going to try to remember that we have A Good Shepherd.  We know that when we feel like the weight is getting heavy we must "let go and let God".
Until next time....we are keeping faith and know all is in the hands of the Great Physician!
Continued prayers.

Monday, January 31, 2011

21 Weeks

We are growing nearer and nearer to the point that Gunner was delivered.  I know the next month + will be nerve-racking on both of us.  As Michele put it, "I feel like a time bomb, just waiting to go off".  The question is.... will she make it as long as she was with Gunner (25 wks), a more safe point of 28 wks, or the optimum of 36 weeks???  Each week we face is another milestone we've reached, with sights set on another week.  The next medical update we will have will be in a week.  Another u/s is scheduled for precautionary monitoring and then have the regular appt. with the ob.  We are now starting to go every 2 weeks.....keeping the Mountain Parkway busy and miles.  Appointments are starting to become normal enough now that we look forward to going, it's just another chance for us to gain more reassurance that everything is going good.  Keep the prayers coming our way for both health and traveling mercies!

Something that has been particularly interesting and a joy to do is listening to our little boy.  We have an at-home heart monitor (not sure the technical term), similar to the one the nurse uses during our visits.  We are able to listen to sound of his heartbeat and get a reading of his heart rate.  It's not something that is necessary for us to do, but it is nice to keep check on him and feel that much closer to him.  He certainly is the active one....sometimes he is pretty hard to track down with the monitor.

The naming process has really stumped us.  Being teachers makes it hard, always relating it to another child.  We want a name that isn't commonly used, possibly a G name, and to have a strong meaning.  ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Continued prayers for all 3 of us!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thinking About My 2 Boys

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about Gunner.  Looking at babies that were born around the same time reminds me of the things Gunner would or should be doing.  Jealousy isn't something that I would characterize it with, just HARD.  The wonder about how he would smell, look, and act like all come to mind.  Even the crazy thoughts "I bet Joy would watch over him" or  "Rudy would have loved to play with him"........btw Joy and Rudy are our dogs.  I wonder.....what kinds of things he would've liked?, what kind of 1st birthday party would he have had?, what kind of cake would he have had?  With thoughts of Gunner, it's the "What would've happened".

With Baby Boy #2 it's the thoughts of wonder.  We aren't dwelling on that fact that we may face all the obstacles we have in the last year all over again...thinking more along the lines of anticipation.  Will he have Michele's feistiness or my quiet nature?  Who's hair, skin, smile will he have?  Will he be a sports fanatic or book worm?  All of it is neat to wonder about, but NONE of the above matters at all...we just want a healthy boy that we can bring home.  Michele says that he already has one of my traits, a true night owl.  I wonder if she can handle having another one in the house, hahaha.  I'm sure she'll welcome that with open arms.

I guess I'll end my continuous thoughts for the day and leave it at this?  What similarities/differences do the 2 brothers have?  Both ultrasounds were taken about the same gestational time.


Baby Boy #2

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Little Boy's First Profile Pic

Ultrasound Pic taken on January 24, 2011
20 weeks gestation

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Yesterday was definitely a day full of emotion.  OB appointment went very good.  BP-normal, no protein, strong heartbeat = happy mom and dad!
Then the big anticipated anatomy scan ultrasound.  There was so much speculation about what it would be...but in the end the majority was wrong and mom was right.  Gunner's going to have a little brother.  We are so happy that we are going to have another boy, as Michele said "I just feel like I'm a little boy's mom".
Although we were looking forward to finding out about the gender, our most anxious part of the day wasn't was finding out that he had all the working parts.  With each little body part and organ identified I couldn't help but grin and try to glance at Michele's reaction (I needed a camera because I wanted to see both at the same time).  Most of what everyone takes for granted...we don't.  We wanted to make sure that all was okay and in working order.  He's measuring right on schedule at about 12 oz. in weight.  All the early indicators that pre-e/HELLP shows once started weren't present and that's SO IMPORTANT.  It doesn't mean that it won't happen, just that it hasn't started yet and we definitely wouldn't want it earlier than it did with Gunner.  From the early results of the scan they were able to view 4 chambers of the heart, good midline of skull, 2 functioning kidneys, bladder, cord flow from placenta, and countless other important feats.
Michele's team of doctors are amazing and very knowledgeable of her history, which gives some reassurance.  Since we are 5 weeks from the time that Gunner was delivered, keeping an eye on everything is going to be stepped up a notch.  We are going to be making the trip to Lexington every 2 weeks now.
We are hoping, praying, and thanking God each day we get a little closer to meeting our little guy.  It's a little surreal that it's happening.
As tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary that Gunner went to be with the Lord, I can't help but think he is looking down and watching out for mom, dad, and little brother.  In some ways it seems like it was yesterday that we were setting with him in the NICU, trying to grasp that we were parents!! Now we are expecting baby #2.  You never really know what the plans are in store for ya, but I'm thankful we are on this journey together!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's a Boy

Just left dr. Everything looking good. Will update later with pics and more info.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why I chose the title "Rainbow Family" for our blog

I found a meaning of rainbow baby on and couldn't help but think "Wow! that's us".  Here's what was said about what a rainbow baby is:
"Rainbow Babies" is the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of color, energy and hope.

19 weeks

As I sit here, I can't help but wonder what we are having.  Sure...I have the worry of wondering what may or may not happen, but I still can't help the overwhelming excitement I have for this baby.  In one week we learn if Gunner is going to have a little brother or sister.  So far, so good with the doctors appointments.  Heartbeat has been strong and Michele's health has been good.  We celebrate each day we face knowing we are another day further along in this pregnancy.
Old wives tales have been told for years, none proven to be absolute.  Not that I care whether we have a girl or boy, just a healthy one.  With much optimism that we will have a healthy baby, I researched so many clues of what to look for to key us in on what we are having.  if ...sour cravings = boy, morning sickness = girl, carrying low = boy, high heart rate = girl....all of which Michele is having, which one is right.  I guess we will find out in a week.

So many things I'd like to share, but can't seem to think of what to add first.  At least I got the blog up and running.
Any ideas, premonitions, dreams to what we are having????