Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scheduling Time!

The time is ever so quickly creeping up on us.  Dr. appointment yesterday was fabulous, starting with all good reports for bp, protein, baby heartbeat, and all the other usual checks.  As the doctor entered the room is so nice to see a smile on her face and hear, "So, are you ready to make some plans."  Without hesitation we answered, "Oh Yeah!"  So a little bit of a breakdown of the schedule is that we go back in two weeks for another growth check ultrasound and ob appointment.  Then in another two weeks comes the biggie.  We will meet with dr. after her regular appointments are over on the 23rd for the amniocentesis to check the lung development.  After that is complete, Michele and Gabe will be monitored for 2 hours as we wait for the results and to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens.  If everything comes back as expected, we will leave for the evening and wait for the following day.  The plans are for an early morning appointment on the 24th at the hospital for DELIVERY.  That wasn't a typo, we are officially 4 weeks away from meeting our little boy!
So with that in mind we need to start packing bags for Michele, Gabe, and I.  We also need to have the car seat installed and checked.  Very surreal moments happening at the Varney household.

Continued prayers!


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