Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scheduling Time!

The time is ever so quickly creeping up on us.  Dr. appointment yesterday was fabulous, starting with all good reports for bp, protein, baby heartbeat, and all the other usual checks.  As the doctor entered the room is so nice to see a smile on her face and hear, "So, are you ready to make some plans."  Without hesitation we answered, "Oh Yeah!"  So a little bit of a breakdown of the schedule is that we go back in two weeks for another growth check ultrasound and ob appointment.  Then in another two weeks comes the biggie.  We will meet with dr. after her regular appointments are over on the 23rd for the amniocentesis to check the lung development.  After that is complete, Michele and Gabe will be monitored for 2 hours as we wait for the results and to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happens.  If everything comes back as expected, we will leave for the evening and wait for the following day.  The plans are for an early morning appointment on the 24th at the hospital for DELIVERY.  That wasn't a typo, we are officially 4 weeks away from meeting our little boy!
So with that in mind we need to start packing bags for Michele, Gabe, and I.  We also need to have the car seat installed and checked.  Very surreal moments happening at the Varney household.

Continued prayers!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Showers, Dr. Appointment, and BabyProofing

Wow, what a busy and crazy couple of weeks we have had.  So much to share, but just not enough time lately for posting more frequently (I guess that's why it's midnight and I am finally blogging).  I'll start with the most recent and work myself backwards on the last few events.

Dr. Appointment
I couldn't help but start with this first, because after all this is what our minds are on the most.  Everything else wouldn't mean anything if we didn't get a good report.  We went this past Monday to our 31 week check-up...YES I DID SAY 31 WEEKS!!!  I can't believe we have already reached this point.  Time is really flying by now.  We started off the day with the ultrasound for a growth check and he is growing very good.  Gabe is weighing in at whopping 4lb. 7oz.  He is in the 67 percentile and measuring roughly a week ahead of schedule.  They were able to also check the amniotic fluid, kidney functions, heart rate, blood flow....everything checking out great.  
After a bit of a wait we went to the ob appointment and continued with great results.  Dr. said that we would continue our every two week visits since everything continues to look so good and hopefully get another ultrasound around 35 weeks.  The plan is still to hold off until 37 weeks and do an amniocentesis and deliver the following day if lung function is mature enough.  There's nothing better to hear than the dr. saying, "I know it's pretty boring, but I don't have much to say.  Keep up whatever you are doing."  We plan to do exactly that:  let Michele rest as much as possible, keep a cautious eye on any change, and PRAY!!!

The cursor is pointing at the hair on his head!!
I tried to label the parts that they showed us during the ultrasound to help identify and show off our little boy.

 Shower Time
We have definitely been showered with gifts, love, support, and prayer.  We started off with a shower for family and friends on April 2nd.  With the help of so many we turned a school cafeteria into a wonderful gathering hall.  The event was definitely blessed with great food, fellowship, and lots of things for Gabe.  Words can't express the gratitude we have for all those that attended, sent gifts, and continue being the prayer warriors for Gabe, Michele, and I.

Here is a glance at the day.
Michele and Ronn
Registry table that had big brother Gunner ribbon

Diaper Cake
Gabe's Clothes 
Cake by Grandmom

Our Pastor's wife gave a wonderful devotion that will be engraved in our hearts forever.  Only God could have gave her such wonderful words of love, advice, and encouragement.

 Only a few days later we were again given a shower by coworkers at school.  We are blessed to be surrounded with such support to work with.  They have become not only coworkers, but wonderful friends.  As we usually do...we again had great food!  After the shower we decided that Gabe was definitely going to be one sharp dressed little boy.

Here's a small glance at this day
30 wks 4 days
Enjoy a few baby products
Beautiful Day!

So with spring break the next couple of days, hopefully we can get more of the nursery ready and we can get pics up!  Exciting time in the Varney house.

Praying for health, guidance, and strength