Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Uncharted Territory

What a wonderful feeling it is to be at this point.  Yesterday was yet another dr. appointment and ultrasound.  We've reached 27 weeks!  One more week and we are in a much more "safe zone" as the dr. has put it.  We aren't even thinking, "Just one more week"....we are planning for much longer.  We had an outstanding report from the dr.  BP was very good, protein was negative, and measuring slightly ahead of schedule.  The contractions haven't happened since mid-week and they look to be under control with no meds needed.
We got to see our little boy again and he has grown so much in 7 weeks.  He isn't showing any signs of restricted growth, again that would be a sign of pre-e starting.  Praise God he is up to 2lbs8oz.  He is over double of Gunner's birth weight of 1lb3oz.  I know Gabe's big brother is rooting him on and doesn't want him to stop now.  KEEP GROWING, GET STRONGER, and STAY LOTS LONGER in there.
The doctors were so pleased and the ob mentioned that she would chalk it up to a success story of baby aspirin....but we know that there is more to it than that.  The Lord is carrying us through and our prayers are being answered each day that he stays put and Michele stays healthy!
Lots to do: nursery to get ready, baby showers, and baby proofing the house.  A lot of work, but loving every minute of it.  Excitement is at an all-time high!

Continued prayers for strength, health, and guidance!

Gabriel 27 week ultrasound

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