Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Positive Thinking

One thing that I don't like is to hear or read about people speaking on ALL the negativity in their life.  Sure we may face difficult times and circumstances...that's part of life that we have here.  Would we actually look forward to Heaven if our time on Earth actually was as good as it gets?  I don't think so.  We aren't meant to bring others down about how depressing our lives are...we need to lift each other up and focus on the positives.  As I heard Joel Osteen's message on declaring what the Lord has done for you, it couldn't have been a more uplifting sermon for me.   So as I may look at the bad things in life such as the precious people in my life passing i.e. my grandfathers, dad, and Gunner....I use those things to thank the Lord for all the things that have happened in my life that has made me the man I am today.  God doesn't make mistakes, all things are for the glory of Him.  Looking outside the box takes a little faith.  Don't focus everything on the small dot (we are the small dot in a huge universe) Thanks Danl.
We do deserve goodness because God say's we are worth it.  We were given the ultimate sacrafice because we are worth it.  It's not being proud or boastful, it's simply understanding the word of God and trying to put it into action.
"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us.  None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell your deeds, they would be too many to declare"
 Psalm 40:5
So when I start to ask myself "Why us?"  I am going to try and remind myself "Why not us?"  I'm thankful that God gave Michele and I the privilege of having Gunner for 13 days and being called his parents.  I don't know about too much, but I do know God's plan is so much better than we can even understand, we just have to follow, trust, and have faith.

Declare the goodness of our Lord today.....I am!


  1. Love it!! Sounds like God is working boldly on you!

  2. Agree whole heartedly! Its when we speak that we believe what He says! You are on the money! Good stuff!
